Johns Hopkins Shoulder and Elbow Fellowship

Uma Srikumaran, MD, MBA, Fellowship Director
Edward G. McFarland, MD

The Johns Hopkins University, Division of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery

10700 Charter Drive, Suite 205
Columbia, MD 21044

Phone: 443-546-1553 Fax: 443-546-1551E-mail:,,


Duration: 12 months (August 1 to July 31); with optional international experience

Number of Fellows: 2 fellows per year

Stipend: Commensurate with level of training, plus benefits (~$80,000)

Location: The Johns Hopkins University and affiliated facilities

Fellowship Description:

The Johns Hopkins Shoulder and Elbow Fellowship is designed to provide comprehensive training for the individual who wishes to practice shoulder and elbow surgery in either a private practice or academic setting. Fellows will have a diverse experience in both the clinical and surgical settings, with an opportunity to diagnose and treat a wide spectrum of pathology. A balanced, evidence-based, patient-centric, value-driven approach is emphasized.

Johns Hopkins serves as a tertiary referral center for complex and revision shoulder and elbow cases. Fellows can expect to participate in a range of simple to complex cases in arthroscopy, fracture care, and joint reconstruction. The fellow will be involved in clinic with the faculty surgeons, but will also have their own clinic one half day each week. Instruction in the use of ultrasound will also be provided during clinic. Practice locations are within Baltimore and the surrounding areas.

The fellowship also has a weekly didactic program covering a comprehensive shoulder curriculum. Indications presentations are incorporated into these sessions and are multidisciplinary in nature (medical students, residents, fellows, physician assistants, therapists, and faculty). Additional motor skills training is available via a surgical skills training lab. Dry model stations and cadaveric specimens can be used for both arthroscopic and open techniques with a full complement of equipment. Faculty will also formally and informally teach practice management skills including billing, coding, and documentation in electronic medical records.

The fellow will interact with students, orthopaedic residents, and non-operating residents from other programs. The fellow will have teaching opportunities in the clinic and the operating room.

There are ample opportunities for clinical or biomechanical research depending upon the desires of the individual. The fellow may take part in a biomechanical research lab in collaboration with research fellows and biomechanics research faculty.

Each fellow is required to perform one research project which should be submitted prior to the end of the fellowship. Additional involvement in other various projects (clinical outcomes, cost-effectiveness, value analysis studies) and publications is encouraged.

An optional international elective opportunity is provided as the part of the program. There are also opportunities to be involved in covering athletic events if desired. The fellow is provided with professional funds to allow for academic travel and meetings.

This program participates in the ASES/SF Fellowship Match.

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