ASES Foundation
Founders' Legacy Fund
To pay tribute to and honor the individuals that had the wisdom and foresight to create the American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons (ASES) and the ASES Foundation.

Goals of Funding
To pay tribute to and honor the individuals that had the wisdom and foresight to create the American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons (ASES), the ASES Foundation (ASES Foundation) has established the Founders’ Legacy Fund. The goal of this fund is to support the mission of the ASES Foundation; “To develop and provide resources to advance shoulder and elbow care.” To that end, the purpose is to sponsor research, teaching, and patient centered initiatives. The “Founders’ Legacy Fund” will be an umbrella fund consisting of separate sub funds, each one named to honor one of our founding members. See list »
Each fund will have the following criteria:
- Funds are perpetual, non-restricted endowments and only the interest will be spent
- Allocations will be at the discretion of the ASES Foundation and may be used for:
- Education
- Research
- Patient improvement initiatives
- Allocations will be recognized as coming from the appropriate named sub-fund
- The ASES Foundation may provide allocations from the combination of multiple sub funds
- Donations will be accepted from any source, including ASES members, patients, friends and family, or other organizations.
Contributions to this fund will support the mission of the ASES and further the field of shoulder and elbow surgery while also honoring those that established our great ASES society.

Founders Legacy Fund
To honor our founders and give a legacy endowment in perpetuity
Richard L. Cruess, MD
Clement B. Sledge, MD
Robert H. Cofield, MD
Frederick A. Matsen, III, MD
Charles A. Rockwood, Jr., MD
Fundraising Efforts
Top 3 Funds by Contributions
We can accept donations via credit card through our website. If you would like to make a donation via check please contact us at
What has the ASES meant to you and your career? Why do you think it is important to contribute to the ASESF?
Our founding members describe the role of the ASES as fundamental in shaping their careers. Donations to the Foundation will facilitate research, education, and support critical infrastructure. Explore these links to hear more from some of our legacy founders.