This meeting took place on Saturday, June 20, 2020.

This will be the first ASES virtual meeting!
We sincerely hope that the effect of the current Coronavirus health crisis is turning the corner. The Covid-19 pandemic has had a tremendous impact in the world, and amongst other consequences, it has influenced the format of many educational activities. As you may know, every year ASES holds a special event to honor and recognize our graduating fellows. We are excited to announce that this year we will have the first ever Virtual ASES Fellows’ Symposium Program. The format will take advantage of all the novel features that an internet-based program can offer.
Chaired by Drs. Joaquin Sanchez-Sotelo and Robert Hartzler, this three-hour program will take place on Saturday, June 20, 2020, at 10:00am EST (7:00am PST). The program will include presentations by the graduating fellows on their research as well as fun and interactive sessions with the participation of several of our ASES members as faculty.
This is a unique opportunity to hear about the highest quality research completed by graduating ASES Fellows and their mentors, and to learn from experts in the field.
Joaquin Sanchez-Sotelo MD, PhD
Robert Hartzler, MD
Co-Chairs, 2020 ASES Fellows’ Symposium
Two awards will be given to fellows who participate in this symposium. These awards include:
- Robert H. Cofield, MD, Award: For clinically-based research, reflecting Dr. Cofield’s career dedication to the “End-Result Idea”, including studies with good long-term follow-up, which can impact the decisions that surgeons make today.
- Richard J. Hawkins, MD, Award: For basic science, biomechanics, or data collection studies that are accomplished by the fellow during his or her fellowship.

Photo from the ASES 2019 Fellows’ Symposium, San Diego, CA

Robert H. Cofield, MD, (left) and the
2019 Cofield Award winner, Kevin W. Wilson, MD (right)

Richard J. Hawkins, MD, FRCSC, (left) and the
2019 Hawkins Award winner, Chad E. Songy, MD (right)