ASES News – February 2020
2020 Call for Abstracts
The Call for Abstracts is now live on the ASES website for the 2020 Annual Meeting, October 1-3, 2020, New York, New York. Since the Annual Meeting is a member’s only meeting, submissions MUST have an ASES member as an author/co-author that will be available to present or the paper.
Before logging in to submit an abstract, please read these instructions:
You may use the following link for abstract submissions: Call for Abstracts
(This submission link can also be found within the meeting pages on the ASES website.)
***Please Note***
The deadline date for all abstract submissions is Wednesday, April 29, 2020, 11:59pm CST.
Thank You!
Celebrate Ernest Amory Codman, MD
Help Support the ASES Foundation
2020 Clinician Scholar Career Development Program
The American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons is partnering with the Orthopaedic Research Society on the 2020 Clinician Scholar Career Development Program (CSCDP) to be held on September 24-26, 2020 in Rosemont, Illinois. The CSCDP is an annual two-day training workshop for orthopaedic residents in their PGY2-PGY5 years, surgeons in fellowships, and junior faculty (through year three) who have the potential and desire to become orthopaedic clinician scholars. Clinician scholars advance the field of orthopaedics through innovative research and peer-reviewed funding. ASES will sponsor 2 member applicants interested in pursuing this opportunity.
If you are interested in participating please complete the application form below by March 15th. You can view more details about the program on the ORS website, however, members that wish to be sponsored by ASES must apply through the link below.
If selected, all program-related expenses, 2-nights hotels, roundtrip economy airfare and all meals will be covered up to a maximum of $1,500 to attend the two-day training workshop.
Applications due by March 15th.
If you have any questions please contact us via email at
ASES Member Benefit
Videos Available from the 2019 Annual Meeting
The 2019 Annual Meeting that took place in New York, New York, was recorded to give those members that could not attend the meeting a benefit of reviewing the many scientific sessions that were presented. The recorded material is now available through the member’s only section of the ASES website. This has been linked below for your convenience. Once you access this link, enter the password: ASES2019.
Once you have accessed the videos, you can search for presentations by the presenter’s last name. A copy of the program schedule is linked below for your convenience:
Please Note: Recorded videos of the Live Surgeries will be in the coming months. Thank you for your patience.
ASES Fellow’s Symposium
Friday, June 19, 2020
San Diego Shoulder Institute
Hilton Bayfront, San Diego, California
The American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons have partnered with the San Diego Shoulder Institute on a symposium for graduating Shoulder & Elbow and Sports Fellows. The ASES Fellow’s Symposium will be held on Friday, June 19, 2020, at the Annual San Diego Shoulder Institute (SDSI) in San Diego, CA. The symposium will feature short presentations by fellows who submit abstracts for consideration, and are accepted, culminating with the Robert H. Cofield, MD, and Richard J. Hawkins, MD, Awards.
The abstract submission page is now open. Please have your fellows submit their abstracts through the following link. Submitting fellows must be either (A) a current shoulder/elbow fellow at an ASES Fellowship Program or (B) a current sports medicine fellow at a Sports Medicine Fellowship with at least one ASES active member as part of the faculty.
The deadline for submissions is Thursday, April 2nd.
Registration is Open!
On October 30-31, 2020, the American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons will be hosting its annual ASES Resident Course: Essentials of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery at the Orthopaedic Learning Center (OLC) located in Rosemont, Illinois. The course will offer a review of the principles of shoulder and elbow anatomy and help residents and fellows further their skills and gain mastery of surgical approaches and procedures of the shoulder and elbow. Please note that both residents and fellows are welcome to attend. Registrants must be a current resident or fellow during the 2020-2021 year.
Attendees will learn essential procedures of the shoulder and elbow through hands-on lab instruction, case discussions, and podium presentations by renowned ASES faculty. The many topics and procedures covered will include:
• Resident Case Competitions
• Shoulder Instability
• Rotator Cuff Lab & Cases
• Arthroscopic Bankart and Posterior Labrum Repair
• Diagnostic Elbow
• Anatomic and Reverse TSA and much more!
Please pass this information on to your residents and/or fellows and encourage them to register through the ASES website: ASES Resident Course. Registration includes all lectures, lab, industry displays, meals, and “pizza and beer” networking dinner.

ASES Member Benefit
2019 Annual Meeting – Abstract Compendium
The ASES Annual Meeting Abstract Compendium is now available to all members of the society. The compendium includes 383 abstracts submitted for the ASES 2019 Annual Meeting this past October in New York, NY, but not included for podium presentations. This free benefit not only advances the mission and vision of ASES, but it is also directly aligned with the society’s strategic plan. We hope that you will enjoy having access to the compendium.
This compendium has been made possible by support from DJO. The American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons gratefully acknowledge DJO in support of this project and in support of the Society and our mission.
The link below will take you to the ASES Member’s Only section where you will be asked to login with your ASES member credentials. One the page is accessed, you will find a link to the compendium. After opening the link to the compendium, feel free to download, save, or print the file via icons you will find in the upper right-hand corner of that weblink. The Table of Contents provides a listing of abstracts to assist you in navigating the file.
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Knowledge Sources Posted
The American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery (ABOS) has posted 152 Knowledge Sources for this year’s ABOS Web-Based Longitudinal Assessment Program (ABOS WLA). This includes 101 new Knowledge Sources and 51 Knowledge Sources carried over from last year. The Knowledge Sources have been chosen by groups of practicing orthopaedic surgeons representing General Orthopaedics and each Orthopaedic Subspecialty.
The 2020 ABOS WLA Assessment Window will be open April 13-May 18. Participating ABOS Diplomates will be able to answer the 30 questions pertaining to their 15 chosen Knowledge sources during the time period. Besides making a few technical tweaks, the biggest difference for 2020 is that Diplomates will know in advance from which Knowledge Source each question will come. They will still need to choose Knowledge Sources prior to answering the first question, but by knowing which Knowledge Source the next question will be coming from, Diplomates will be able to focus their time in reviewing the Knowledge Sources.
More information on the ABOS WLA Program, including participation eligibility and Passing Standards can be found here: The participation criteria are specific based on a Diplomate’s ABOS Certification Expiration date. Please do not hesitate to call the ABOS office with questions about the new ABOS WLA program.
Do More With Your Data Through Registry Participation
Clinical data registries help the frontline orthopaedic surgeon to collect quality data without having to create the entire infrastructure themselves and serve a vital role in empowering surgeons to demonstrate quality based on their data.
In late 2018, the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) launched the AAOS Shoulder & Elbow Registry (SER). Participation by practice sites (hospitals, ambulatory surgery centers, or private practices) enables evidence-based analysis by surgeons on a scale not possible before.
Practice sites that join SER get full logistic and technical support from expert staff. And, these benefits:
- Shoulder arthroplasty, rotator cuff repair, and elbow arthroplasty modules for data collection
- Dashboards for all surgeons at the site
- The RegistryInsights® patient-reported outcome (PRO) technology solution to administer and manage PRO measure collection
- Participation counting towards ABOS Maintenance of Certification requirements
Watch the replay from the AAOS webinar, “New AAOS Shoulder & Elbow Registry Modules You Should Know About,” to learn more or if you would like to speak to an AAOS staff member about enrollment, please contact AAOS Registry Engagement Associate Kristine Sizemore at
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