Presidential Message From Xavier A. Duralde, MD
- Arthroplasty
- Rotator Cuff
- Elbow
- Fractures
- Shoulder Instability
- and more!
- Guest Nation President’s Lecture: Raul Barco Laakso, MD, PhD
- Political Advocacy Session: Theodore F. Schlegel, MD
- Neer Lecture: Evan Flatow, MD
- ASES Presidential Address: Xavier A. Duralde, MD
- Codman Lecture: Robert (Bobby) Satcher, MD
- Morrey Lecture: Shawn W. O’Driscoll, MD
- ASES/AAOS Session: Felix (Buddy) Savoie, MD, Daniel Guy, MD, Mark A. Frankle, MD, Peter MacDonald, MD, Gerald Williams, MD
- SECEC Presidential Lecture: Phillipe Colin, MD
- Shoulder Instability and Injuries to the Labrum
- The Rotator Cuff in 2022 – What To Do?
- Complications After Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty
- Elbow Injuries – Sports and Soft Tissue Problems: How to Fix
- Practice Management
- Shoulder Fractures Gone Wrong
Leadership Development Program
- Active participation in 3 in-person and 2 virtual sessions throughout the year (click HERE to view the session schedule)
- An approach to strategic, creative, and visionary thinking with a focus on the unique challenges facing shoulder and elbow surgeons (i.e., job prospects)
- A 360 Behavioral Assessment
- Enhanced communication skills
- Implementation of a long-term sustainable leadership program to strengthen the ASES and assess the leadership development needs among the society’s membership
- Interactive sessions and networking opportunities
Shoulder and Elbow Week Message
Virtual Kick-off—Save the Date! On Monday, September 19, 2022, we invite you to our ASES membership-wide Kickoff to “Toast” to the health of our patients, members and supporters. Watch for the Zoom Webinar invite soon!
ASES Podcast - New Episode
ASES Resident Course - Registration is Now Open
European Exchange Fellowship Program
- Eligibility for an ASES Research Grant.
- All travel and hotel expenses will be covered and fellows will receive a small stipend after travel has been completed.
- After your traveling fellowship is complete, submit a testimonial to the ASES office which will be included on the ASES website as well as communicated through the monthly newsletter to members.
The SHED: The SHoulder and Elbow Database
Mark Your Calendars
Download the New ASES App Today!
- Access all the content that is on the ASES website including the Members Only section in a mobile-friendly format
- Pay membership dues
- View and track all upcoming ASES events
- Chat with other ASES members
- Easily view all our media content including the ASES Podcast, Fellows Core Curriculum Series, and Virtual Journal Club
- Access to the Neer Circle Consensus Tool on Irreparable Rotator Cuff Tears
- And much more
Top Articles from the JSES Family of Journals in 2021
Shoulder and Elbow Career Opportunities
Advertise on the ASES Website
Space is available on the ASES Career Opportunities pages to advertise open Shoulder and Elbow positions. If you are interested you can download an application on our website.
Celebrate Ernest Amory Codman, MD and Help Support the ASES Foundation
**Now Available**
In celebration of Ernest Amory Codman’s 150th birthday (December 30th) the ASES Foundation has published a reprint of his 1934 book “The Shoulder: Rupture of the Supraspinatus Tendon and Other Lesions In or About the Subacromial Bursa”. This classic has been, is now, and will always be a must-read for those individuals who have any interest in the field of shoulder surgery. This edition will be fully indexed and include a dedication from ASESF as well as a prologue written by William Mallon, MD. 100% of the proceeds will support the ASES Foundation and its programs.
OREF is Pleased to Announce Funding Opportunities!
- OREF Career Development Grant provides $300,000 in funding over three years to encourage investigators to commit to scientific research. Research may be basic, translational, clinical, and/or health services.
- Prospective Clinical Grant provides $150,000 over three years to promote clinical research and funds promising prospective studies in areas of high clinical importance in orthopedic surgery.
- New Investigator Grant (Two grants available) provides $50,000 to advance the scientific training of the next generation of orthopedic physician-scientists with seed and start-up funding for promising research projects. Residents, fellows, and orthopedic surgeons having completed formal training within the last four years may apply.
AAOS/ASES Anatomic and Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty Course
- Look forward to:
- Performing numerous procedures using cutting-edge instruments and devices
- Covering complications, outpatient TSA, and practice management topics
- Reuniting with peers to network and share case challenges
- Earning CME credits
Call for Nominations for the ABJS Nicolas Andry Lifetime Achievement Award
Clinical Practice Guideline and Appropriate Use Criteria for the Prevention of Surgical Site Infections after Major Extremity Trauma
AAOS recently shared some news about the recently approved Clinical Practice Guideline and Appropriate Use Criteria for the Prevention of Surgical Site Infections after Major Extremity Trauma with trade media. We wanted to be sure you had a link to the fact sheet. For more information please visit the AAOS Website.