ASES News – June 2020
Presidential Address from William N. Levine, MD
Dear ASES Members,
I am pleased to provide you with the latest update on all the events happening in the ASES. Firstly, I would like to send a huge shout out to Drs. Joaquin Sanchez-Sotelo and Rob Hartzler who deftly coordinated the first ever virtual ASES Fellow’s Day Symposium last week with over 400 registrants participating! Everyone was simply amazed by the content, the planning and execution, and the interplay between pre-recorded components and live presentations. As you all know, we are busy preparing for our October annual meeting and the Fellows’ Day symposium served as a mini-test run for our upcoming annual meeting. Drs. Charley Jobin and Leesa Galatz are putting the final touches on the live program (Friday October 2nd 7-10pm and Saturday October 3rd 8am-12noon). Joaquin is lending his expertise as well.
In my recent address to all of you regarding the death of George Floyd, I noted that we were committed to having these recent events motivate us to do even more than we may have been doing in the past. To that end, I am pleased to announce that we have created the inaugural Committee on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion for the American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons. Dr. Sara Edwards (UCSF) will chair the committee that includes Oke Anakwenze (Duke), Ivan Garcia (Kaiser-Permanente), Carolyn Hettrich (Brigham and Women’s), Stephanie Muh (Henry Ford), and Katie Vadasdi (ONS). I have charged the committee with 2 mandates – first, to reach out to residencies and residents in the formative years (PG1-3) and introduce them to shoulder and elbow surgery as a potential career pathway. Second, the committee will serve in an advisory role to ensure that all ASES on-line, in-person, and public-facing activities have fair and equitable representation in moderators, faculty, and panelists. I am very excited about this new committee and look forward to seeing their successes in the future.
Lastly, as we see the news of spiking cases of Covid-19 around the country, please be safe, take care of your loved ones and I look forward to seeing you all virtually for now and in-person in the not too distant future (God willing). I leave you with the following quote:
“We become wiser by adversity; prosperity destroys our appreciation of the right.” — Lucius Annaeus Seneca
Be safe and healthy all –
Attention ASES Members:
On behalf of the Executive Committee, we regret to inform you that we have had to cancel the ASES Resident Course scheduled for October 30-31, 2020. Given the current state of the pandemic, the uncertainty of a “second wave” in the fall, the uncertainty of social distancing and what that would mean for this course, and our concerns for the health and well-being of all of our attendees and staff, we were left with no choice but to cancel the meeting. We are disappointed that we had to make this decision, but we believe this is the correct plan.
We will be scheduling this meeting again next fall. As soon as we have details for a course in 2021, information will be posted to the ASES website and communicated in future newsletters.
Thank you.
ASES 2021 Exchange Fellowship Program
Applications for the 2021 Exchange Fellowship Program are now being accepted!
The four-week European exchange fellowship will begin in the fall of 2021. Applicants must be no more than 10 years out of their fellowship as of December 31, 2020, practicing in the United States or Canada, board eligible or certified orthopaedic surgeons with a special interest and experience in shoulder and elbow research and patient care.
The deadline date for completed applications is, Monday, October 12, 2020.
Recordings of each session are available on our website at
Seminars in Arthroplasty: JSES
Celebrate Ernest Amory Codman, MD
Help Support the ASES Foundation
Apply to be an OMeGA Review Committee Member
OMeGA Medical Grants Association is accepting applications for its 2021 Review Committee (RC). RC members use their subspecialty expertise to evaluate fellowship program grant applications using OMeGA’s merit-based process.
RC applicants must have no financial interest in any orthopaedic medical device, pharmaceutical, and biotechnology companies. (“Financial interest” shall mean ownership or personal compensation arrangements such as employment, consulting, speaking, gifts or development relationships. Ownership of less than 5% in publicly traded securities and mutual funds in orthopaedic medical device, pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies will not be considered a “financial interest.”)
Knowledge Sources Posted
The American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery (ABOS) has posted 152 Knowledge Sources for this year’s ABOS Web-Based Longitudinal Assessment Program (ABOS WLA). This includes 101 new Knowledge Sources and 51 Knowledge Sources carried over from last year. The Knowledge Sources have been chosen by groups of practicing orthopaedic surgeons representing General Orthopaedics and each Orthopaedic Subspecialty.
The 2020 ABOS WLA Assessment Window will be open April 13-May 18. Participating ABOS Diplomates will be able to answer the 30 questions pertaining to their 15 chosen Knowledge sources during the time period. Besides making a few technical tweaks, the biggest difference for 2020 is that Diplomates will know in advance from which Knowledge Source each question will come. They will still need to choose Knowledge Sources prior to answering the first question, but by knowing which Knowledge Source the next question will be coming from, Diplomates will be able to focus their time in reviewing the Knowledge Sources.
More information on the ABOS WLA Program, including participation eligibility and Passing Standards can be found here: The participation criteria are specific based on a Diplomate’s ABOS Certification Expiration date. Please do not hesitate to call the ABOS office with questions about the new ABOS WLA program.
Happy Independence Day!
In observance of Independence Day, the ASES office will be closed on Friday, July 3rd. We hope that all of you will have a safe and healthy holiday weekend!
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