ASES News – May 2019


ASES News – May 2019

STOP Campaign

The American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons is excited to announce a new partnership with the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine (AOSSM) and the STOP (Sports Trauma and Overuse Prevention) Sports Injuries program, which aims to help prevent traumatic and overuse injuries in young athletes.
The program utilizes a broad set of sport and injury-specific resources that provide athletes, parents, coaches and healthcare professionals information on common sports injuries, how they can be treated, and most importantly what steps can be taken to prevent them. Beyond raising awareness on the important topic of injury prevention, the program also highlights how playing safe and smart can enhance and extend a child’s athletic career, improve teamwork, reduce obesity rates and create a lifelong love of exercise and healthy activity.
We encourage ASES members to consider supporting the program by signing-up their own practices and institutions as official collaboration organizations and sharing the educational materials with patients. To learn more about how you can get involved and help keep kids in the game for life, visit

BOS Societies 2020 Poster Application

Abstract submission link:
IMPORTANT! AAOS requires that your abstract be identified as a BOS submission; therefore, please indicate the society name at the beginning of the title of the abstract. Once the online submission is complete, please forward the abstract control number by email with subject line of: Poster submissions – abstract # to Domenic Picardo,
The following policies must be adhered to participate:
  • Abstract may only be submitted once.
  • Posters will be displayed on Tuesday, March 24 through Friday, March 27, from 7:00 AM – 6:00 PM.
  • An author must be available from 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM, Wednesday through Friday, to answer attendees’ questions.
  • Posters may not be a repeat of the previous year’s presentation.
Poster Exhibit Abstract Submission
Submission of an abstract for a Poster Exhibit presentation by a BOS or Allied Health society are automatically accepted given that the submission is relevant and clinical in nature, provided by the deadline, and space permits
Poster presentations are best suited for a pilot study, a unique idea, or a new procedure where all information can be displayed on a 45 inch x 45 inch tack board. Only text, graphs, photographs, and artwork are placed on the board. A poster presentation is an excellent way to provide continuing education. The compact format provides a step-by-step explanation of procedures and results of scientific research or multiple case studies. The public display of the presentation allows viewers to examine the information at their own pace.
If your society has not yet selected a poster to be presented at the Annual Meeting. Please enter a place holder abstract before the June 3rd deadline, and provide the abstract number to Domenic Picardo, This will let us know that your society is still interested in having a poster displayed at the Annual Meeting.
Abstract submission deadline is June 3, 2019.
For questions, please contact Domenic Picardo at


Técnicas Avanzadas de Cirugia de Hombro, (Advanced Techniques in Shoulder Surgery), is an innovative and unique 2-day course dedicated to shoulder arthroplasty and arthroscopy that is joint sponsored by AANA and ASES. It will include such advanced techniques as Arthrosocpic Latarjet and dealing with complications as well as glenoid bone deficiencies with Reverse TSA. The course will be held at the OLC in Rosemont, IL, and will be presented entirely in Spanish to a Spanish-speaking audience to achieve a deeper and more comprehensive learning experience. Faculty include internationally recognized authorities in shoulder surgery from the US, Latin America, and Spain who will share their experience through didactic lectures, panel discussions, and extensive cadaveric lab sessions that cover all of the latest techniques in shoulder surgery. As thought leaders in the world of shoulder surgery, AANA and ASES hope that the continued dissemination of advanced techniques to an international audience will improve surgeons’ abilities to provide complex patient care in a more global fashion.

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ASES Fellows Symposium
Friday, June 21, 2019
San Diego Shoulder Institute
Hilton Bayfront, San Diego, California

The American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons is partnering with the San Diego Shoulder Institute on a symposium for graduating Shoulder & Elbow and Sports Fellows. The ASES Fellows Symposium will be held on Friday, June 21, 2019, at the Annual San Diego Shoulder Institute (SDSI) in San Diego, CA. The symposium will feature short presentations by fellows who submit abstracts for consideration, and are accepted, culminating with the Robert H. Cofield, MD, and Richard J. Hawkins, MD, Awards.

2018 Fellow Attendee Testimonial
“This symposia represents an incredible opportunity for fellows to interact with the leaders around the world, engaging in discussions that are relevant today and will help to shape the future of shoulder surgery. This is the perfect launching point to engage the future leaders in shoulder surgery with the current ones. And this year, it definitely lived up to every possible expectation and more.” – Eric R. Wagner, MD, 2018 Cofield Award Winner

SOS and OBERD Systems
Now Available to ASES Members

In Spring 2018 the ASES leadership carefully evaluated several data management web-based systems that would allow ASES members to collect and analyze patient reported outcome data as well as promote the use and improvement of PRO’s in clinical care.  After a thorough evaluation, the ASES leadership chose 2 systems: Surgical Outcomes System™ and OBERD.

Each data management system brings a set of valuable benefits – members are invited to select the system that best addresses their practice needs. SOS if available free of charge while OBERD is being offered at a deeply discounted price. This is an excellent opportunity for our members and we hope that you will take full advantage of this benefit. To learn more about each system review the details below.

Please consider supporting the ASES Foundation by making a donation today!

To donate click on the donate button below

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