Presidential Message from Peter B. MacDonald, MD, FRCSC

The inaugural Mentor & Mentee Meeting at the Exactech headquarters in Gainesville, Florida was held on April 28. By all accounts it was a tremendous success and bodes well for the future of this new project. There has already been considerable interest by other industry partners in hosting this meeting in the years to come. There will be an established process to evaluate the options and choose a location and a partner for next year’s meeting. Congratulations to the organizing committee led by Daniel Acevedo, Melissa Wright, and Shannon Carpenter!
We look forward to a strategic planning session for the ASES Foundation on June 2-3 at the ASES national office in Schaumburg, IL. Next year we plan to organize the strategic planning session for the parent society as well. Thanks for all the work in setting this up led by Rob Harkey and Joe Abboud.
The Technology Committee has recommended that we contract with the case presentation platform DocMatter that is used by AANA and several medical institutions successfully. This will allow members to post cases and engage in an interactive dialogue following around the case. The proposal was approved by the ASES Presidential Line, and we are in the implementation phase. More to come when the platform goes live. Thanks to Chris Klifto and Steve Mlodoch for working this through to completion.
The 2024 AAOS Annual Meeting will take place in San Francisco in February 2024. Work has begun on the ASES Specialty Day which next year will be combined with AOSSM. Co-chairs Chris Klifto, Jarret Woodmass and Eric Wagner have been meeting with Angela Orlando and with representatives of AOSSM (Co-chairs Alison Toth and Jon Dickens). We look forward to an exciting program to be held on Friday, February 16, 2024.
The ASES Journal Club continues to be a great success. In the recent Journal Club session on April 25 Drs. Oke Anakwenze, Robert Hartzler, and Butch Krishnan served as panelists with moderators Chris Klifto and Peter MacDonald. Thanks to Chris and Eric Wagner for continuing this great addition to our society.
Thanks to John Sperling and Nik Verma for hosting the recent Practice Management seminar focusing on Practice Acquisition and Expansion with panelists Brian Cole, Mike Banner, and Don Edwards.
ASES Annual Meeting 2023
Excitement is building for the Annual Meeting in Scottsdale on October 3 -7 at the Westin Kierland Resort. Tuesday will be a golf day so golfers should block off their calendar. Wednesday will be the Neer Circle meeting and the general meeting starts Thursday. Dr. Richard Hawkins will be the Neer Lecture, Milt Stegall will be the Codman lecturer and Dr. Graham King will be the Morrey lecturer. The program is starting to come together nicely under co-chairs George Athwal, Kevin Plancher, and Ted Schlegel. Please plan on attending and participating!
National Shoulder and Elbow Week
Planning is underway for the National Shoulder and Elbow Week in May of 2024. Ian Byram and J.R. Rudzki, co-chairs of the ASES Foundation’s Ad-hoc Committee on patient-centered initiatives continue to lead the planning. In 2022 there were 10 successful events raising over 350,000 dollars for the ASES Foundation. Nine sites awarded the NSEW event in May 2024 were announced last week and include, Asheville & Greenville combined, Boston, Buffalo, Charlotte, Denver, Lexington, Phoenix, Salt Lake City, and West Palm Beach. Thanks to all the site hosts for their enthusiasm on this as well as Ian and JR for their leadership.
Thanks again to all the staff and volunteer members of ASES hard work at making this society so successful and vibrant!
Calling All Fellows: Submit Your Abstract for ASES Fellows' Day at SDSI

The American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons is again partnering with the San Diego Shoulder Institute on a symposium for graduating Shoulder & Elbow and Sports Fellows.
The ASES Fellows’ Day at SDSI will be held on Friday, June 16th, 2023, at the San Diego Shoulder Institute (SDSI) Annual Shoulder Course in San Diego, CA. The symposium will feature short presentations by fellows who submit abstracts for consideration and are accepted, culminating with the Robert H. Cofield, MD Award for the highest-rated Oral Presentation and the Richard J. Hawkins, MD Award for the highest-rated Poster Presentation.
We encourage SDSI attendees to support this important event and look forward to seeing you all in San Diego!
Research Webinar Series – Large Database Research
Join us on Tuesday, June 27th at 7pm CT for the next installment of the 2023 ASES Research Webinar series. This series was developed by the ASES Research Committee to help surgeons learn more about research methodology. Hosts Robert Tashjian, MD, and Peter Simon, PhD will discuss the key concepts behind large database research.
Large Database Research: Tuesday, June 27th, 2023 at 7pm CST
Panelists: Drs. Chris Klifto, Bill Mallon, and Uma Srikumaran
Attendee Link:
This webinar is open to Members and Non-Members.
We hope to see you there!
2023 Annual Meeting News

Plans are well underway for the 2023 ASES Annual Meeting, which will run from October 3rd – 7th, 2023 at the Westin Kierland Resort in Scottsdale, Arizona. Information will be posted to the Annual Meeting Web page as it becomes available, but here is some important information for now.
Our 2023 Course Co-Chairs, Dr. George Athwal, Dr. Kevin Plancher, and Dr. Ted Schlegel, under the leadership of ASES President Dr. Peter MacDonald, are finalizing the scientific program and selected faculty will be notified shortly. Additionally, the abstract submission portal is now closed, and we want to thank all of our members for their submissions. Paper selections will be made over the next month, and members will be notified of their submission status in early July.
Please visit the ASES Annual Meeting page for updated information.
The Westin Kierland Golf Club, one of the leading courses in Arizona, will be host to the 2023 ASES Golf Outing on Tuesday, October 3rd, 2023. The 1 p.m. shotgun start event will serve as a great kick-off to the 2023 Annual Meeting, allowing for a great opportunity to network with your friends and colleagues. More information will be available shortly, but please consider this event as you plan your travel to Scottsdale.
The Westin Kierland Resort is the official hotel for the 2023 Annual Meeting, and you can book your room vis our secure housing site by clicking the button below. To assist with your travel planning, please be aware of the following key program dates:
Tuesday, October 3rd: Golf Outing (1:00 p.m. Shotgun Start)
Wednesday, October 4th: Exhibit Set-Up, Neer Circle Meeting, Welcome Reception
Thursday, October 5th: Scientific Program, Exhibit Hall Open, Neer Circle/Guest Nation Dinner
Friday, October 6th: Scientific Program, Exhibit Hall Open, All-Show Party
Saturday, October 7th: Scientific Program (until noon), Exhibit Hall Open (until 10:30 a.m.)
To ensure that you receive the special ASES rate of $319 for single/double occupancy, make your reservation by September 12th, 2023.
Please be sure to visit the ASES website and the Annual Meeting page to stay up to date on the latest Annual meeting information!
Hawkins Award
The American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons is proud to announce the newly created ASES Hawkins Award. The goals of this award are as follows:
- Encourage the submission of international high-quality research projects to our Annual Meeting
- Honor Dr. Richard Hawkins for his contributions to the field of shoulder and elbow surgery and to ASES
Award Details
- The ASES Hawkins award will be granted once a year unless no submission is meritorious
- The awarded submission will be announced at the ASES Annual Meeting
- Projects completed in North America (United States, Canada) by North American (United States, Canada) members cannot be considered for the award
- At least one author of the submission awarded must be ASES Corresponding Member
- At the time of abstract submission by international applicants, if the authors are interested in being considered for the award, they need to: (1) indicate their willingness to be considered for the Hawkins award, and (2) commit to submit a completed manuscript to the Research Committee
- The Research Committee (already selecting the Morrey and Neer award) will score international submissions for the Hawkins award and select the winner
The submitter granted the Hawkins award will receive the following benefits:
- Oral presentation at the ASES meeting
- Special mention in the ASES Annual Program
- A monetary award commensurate with other similar awards (USD 1,500)
- Publication at JSES International free of charge
Please note that submission is connected with the Annual Meeting Call for Abstracts. Only international papers accepted for presentation during the meeting will be considered.

Thank you!
We were so impressed with over 525 ASES members who completed the 2023 Trends in Arthroplasty survey. The results will offer significant insights to our Industry Partners who purchase it. All proceeds will support the ASES Foundation.
If you completed the survey, you receive five membership points. You will be contacted shortly if you won a raffle prize of an E.A. Codman’s “The Shoulder” book or a vest (or credit) from the ASES Foundation store.
Thank you from Dr. Peter MacDonald, ASES President, Dr. Joseph Abboud, Chair of the ASES Foundation, Dr. Andrew Green, Chair and members of his ASESF Trends in Arthroplasty Survey committee.
ASES Foundation Store
Show your ASES pride and support the ASES Foundation:
- Top Brands
- Custom Embroideries
- 2 – 4 Weeks Delivery
Shop the ASESF Store here:
A Great Gift for Your Fellow or Resident!
Show your appreciation to your Fellows and Residents with a gift of E.A. Codman’s
“The Shoulder” book.
In celebration of Ernest Amory Codman’s 150th birthday (December 30th) the ASES Foundation has published a reprint of his 1934 book “The Shoulder: Rupture of the Supraspinatus Tendon and Other Lesions In or About the Sub acromial Bursa”. This classic has been, is now, and will always be a must-read for those individuals who have any interest in the field of shoulder surgery. This edition will be fully indexed and include a dedication from ASESF as well as a prologue written by William Mallon, MD. 100% of the proceeds will support the ASES Foundation and its programs.

Download the ASES Mobile App Today!
The ASES mobile app is now available for download on Apple and Android devices! The app will provide you with another way to access ASES related content and news quickly and easily directly from your phone. Some of the current features include:
- Access all the content that is on the ASES website including the Members Only section in a mobile friendly format
- Pay membership dues
- View and track all upcoming ASES events
- Chat with other ASES members
- Easily view all our media content including the ASES Podcast, Fellows Core Curriculum Series and Virtual Journal Club
- Access to the Neer Circle Consensus Tool on Irreparable Rotator Cuff Tears
- And much more
To download the app you can search “ASES” in either the Apple or Google Play Store.
To log into the app so that you can access all the features you will need your email and member ID number.
Please contact ASES Staff at if you have any questions.
Neer and Morrey Award Submissions
The Charles S. Neer Award
The Neer Award was established in honor of Dr. Charles S. Neer, who was one of the founding members and the first president of ASES. The award was created to provide recognition for outstanding clinical and basic science investigations contributing to the understanding, care, or prevention of injuries to the Shoulder. Both a Clinical Research Award and a Basic Science Research Award in Shoulder will be awarded each year.
Click here for more details regarding the new submission process.
The Bernard F. Morrey Award
The Morrey Award was established in honor of Dr. Bernard Morrey who was one of the founding members of the ASES. The award was created to provide recognition for outstanding clinical or basic science investigations contributing to the understanding, care or prevention of injuries to the elbow. The Morrey Award will be awarded each year to the best elbow (clinical or basic science) paper.
Click here for more details regarding the submission process.
Submissions for both the Neer and Morrey Awards are due by July 1st, 2023.

We are thrilled to announce that the American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons’ first Shoulder and Elbow self-assessment exam for Maintenance of Certification (MOC) is now available for purchase. The $60 exam is available for ASES Members and Non-Members.
The 100-question scored online examination helps fulfill the SAE requirements for the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery (ABOS) Maintenance of Certification (MOC). The examination has been curated by a team of expert shoulder and elbow surgeons, all of whom are ASES members. Each question is followed by a detailed explanation and supported by current references. Earn 10 SAE and CME credits with a passing score of 70% or higher (The exam can be retaken until a passing score is attained.)
For more information regarding the exam, please visit

Earlier this year the ASES Member Experience Committee along with the support of the Education and Technology Committees introduced the new Learning Management System for the American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons, The SHED: The SHoulder Elbow Database!
We are pleased to provide all members with new content! You can now view presentations from the ASES Annual Meeting 2022 through The SHED at your own convenience using your computer or mobile device.
Access to The SHED is available on the ASES Members Home page, please login using your ASES Credentials. You can also CLICK HERE to go directly to the site!
If you have any questions, please reach out to us at
ASES Podcast - New Episode
Mark Your Calendars
We are pleased to announce our upcoming ASES educational offerings! Complete details will follow in the new year, but in the interim, please add these important dates to your calendar:
ASES 2023 Fellows Symposium
Friday, June 16th, 2023
Location: Hotel Del Coronado, Coronado Island, Florida
International Congress on Shoulder and Elbow Surgery (ICSES)
September 5-8, 2023
Rome, Italy
ASES 2023 Annual Meeting
October 5-7, 2023
Westin Kierland Resort and Spa, Scottsdale, Arizona
Abstract Submission Portal is Open! Closes Noon (12pm (CDT) May 8th, 2023
ASES 2023 Residents and Fellows Course
November 17-19, 2023
Orthopaedic Learning Center, Rosemont, Illinois\
Registration opens in July 2023
ASES 2024 Annual Meeting
October 17-19, 2024
San Antonio Marriott Rivercenter, San Antonio, Texas
Shoulder and Elbow Career Opportunities
Advertise on the ASES Website
Space is available on the ASES Career Opportunities pages to advertise open Shoulder and Elbow positions. If you are interested you can download an application on our website.