Presidential Message from John (Jed) E. Kuhn, MD

Our shoulder and elbow calendar is punctuated by significant events throughout the year. Historically, the Annual Meeting of the AAOS in the Spring is one. This year, the meeting was held in San Francisco and while overall attendance was down, San Francisco was great and the ASES Specialty Day was extremely well represented. Thanks to a fantastic Specialty Day Program constructed by Drs. Kilfto, Wagner, and Woodmass, we saw over 600 people attend our afternoon session. This was clearly one of the most popular Specialty Day Programs at the AAOS! Many of our members had presentations, instructional courses, and other events and we are grateful for your commitment to teach our colleagues about shoulder and elbow surgery.
Our other major calendar event is our Annual Meeting in October. We are creating a terrific academic and social program, and I am particularly happy to announce a special breakfast for Women in Shoulder and Elbow Surgery! ASES has 97 women members, which is a terrific start! Enovis is graciously sponsoring this breakfast, which will include special programming and social networking for the women in our field.
Finally, it was brought to my attention that I am serving as the 40th president of this great organization AND the ASES Foundation was founded 40 years ago! Please go to the Foundation website to learn about the history of the foundation and consider donating $40 to celebrate our history!
Celebrating our 40th Year in 2024!
In this 40th year, we want to celebrate those who helped establish and grow the foundation, the programs it serves, and those impacted by its programs. During our 40th year, we ask you to please give in some multiple of 40 (e.g. $4,000, $400, $40). Please at least #Give$40for40 to help us achieve 100% ASES member participation.
DEADLINE FAST APPROACHING: 2024 Annual Meeting Call for ICLs
We are pleased to announce that we have begun accepting applications for Instructional Course Lectures (ICLS) to be presented during the 2024 ASES Annual Meeting, October 16-19, 2024 in San Antonio, Texas.
Please note — this is NOT the Call for Abstracts. Please follow the link elsewhere in this newsletter to submit a 2024 Annual Meeting/2025 Specialty Day Abstract.
This year’s Annual Meeting will as always cover all elements of shoulder and elbow surgery, and we encourage submissions on all topics.
Please submit your ICL application here. You will need the title and description of your ICL, a suggested moderator, and suggested faculty.
The deadline to submit is March 5, 2024. Should you have any questions, contact Shannon Lykowski at
Thank you in advance for your submission!
ASES Grant Opportunities
Deadline Extended
Each year, the society issues a call for proposals encouraging new investigators to apply for seed and start-up funding for promising shoulder and elbow research projects. Grants of up to $20,000, for work to be performed over 12-24 months, are considered. Only orthopaedic surgeons acting as principal investigators are eligible to apply. All applications are reviewed and graded by the ASES Research Committee.
In an effort to provide research assistance to Candidate members, the ASES will offer an annual grant of $10,000 to the most deserving applicant. This grant was started thanks to the generosity of 4 donors. Dr. Felix Savoie, Dr. Anthony Romeo, Dr. Matthew Ramsey, and Dr. William Levine.
The ASES PJI Grant is designed to provide supplementary funds, or funding for pilot studies which will lead to larger foundation or government grants. The focus can be on any aspect of scientific study that affects the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of shoulder prosthetic joint infection. A grant of up to $10,000, for work to be performed over 12-24 months, will be considered. Only orthopaedic surgeons acting as principal investigators are eligible to apply.
Applications for all 3 grants are due by March 7, 2024. Completed applications should be emailed to ASES at
Clinician Scholar Career Development Program (CSCDP) for Residents and Fellows - New!
The American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons is partnering with the Orthopaedic Research Society on the 2024 Clinician Scholar Career Development Program (CSCDP) for residents and fellows. The CSCDP is an annual two-day training workshop for orthopaedic residents in their PGY2-PGY5 years, surgeons in fellowships, and junior faculty (through year three) who have the potential and desire to become orthopaedic clinician scholars. Clinician scholars advance the field of orthopaedics through innovative research and peer-reviewed funding. ASES will sponsor 2 member applicants interested in pursuing this opportunity.
If you are interested in participating, please complete the application form below by March 15th. You can view more details about the program on the ORS website, however, members that wish to be sponsored by ASES must apply through the link below.
If selected, all program-related expenses, 2-nights hotels, roundtrip economy airfare and all meals will be covered up to a maximum of $2,400 to attend the two-day training workshop.
If you have any questions please contact us via email at
Abstract for ASES Fellows' Day at SDSI

The American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons is again partnering with the San Diego Shoulder Institute on a symposium for graduating Shoulder & Elbow and Sports Fellows.
The ASES Fellows Day at SDSI will be held on Friday, June 14, 2022, at the Annual San Diego Shoulder Institute (SDSI) in San Diego, CA. The symposium will feature short presentations by fellows who submit abstracts for consideration, and are accepted, culminating with the Robert H. Cofield, MD Award for the highest rated Oral Presentation and the Richard J. Hawkins, MD Award for the highest rated Poster Presentation.
Fellows selected for a podium/poster presentation receive free registration to the entire San Diego Shoulder Institute. ASES will also subsidize participant’s travel/hotel expenses
We hope to see you all in San Diego in June!
*submission deadline is Friday, March 22nd, 2024

We are excited to share with ASES members the ASES Foundation’s
40th-year celebration in 2024!
In this 40th year, we want to celebrate those who helped establish and grow the ASES Foundation, the programs it serves, and those impacted by its programs.
Please visit the ASES Foundation’s 40th Anniversary page to see information, photos, and videos of…
- Key Milestones since 1984
- Past/Current Leaders
- Programs
- Foundation Founders
- Past Presidents
- Key Milestones
- New Programs
- Committee Development
- Matsen and Dr. Hawkins Video Testimonials
40th Anniversary Donation Campaign
During 2024, we are asking all of membership to please give in some multiple of 40 (e.g. $4,000, $400, $40). Please at least #Give$40for40 to help us achieve 100% ASES member participation.
1984 Fun Facts:
James Cameron’s film, The Terminator, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger is released in the US.
Learn more about your ASES Foundation here:
National Shoulder and Elbow Week
2024 National Shoulder & Elbow Week
“Lift Up” May 13-18, 2024
Register Now and Support Patient Care
Hello ASES Members!
The ASES Foundation is proud to announce that this year’s National Shoulder & Elbow Week – “Lift Up” event taking place May 13-18th is now open for registration.
What is it? The ASES Foundation created National Shoulder and Elbow Week as an opportunity to increase awareness nationally and especially in local communities about the impact that shoulder and elbow health care has on our society. It provides fellowship among local leaders, surgeons, patients, and industry partners to learn about the latest advancements in shoulder and elbow care.
Attend and bring a favorite patient as your Guest! “Lift Up” organized by the ASES Foundation’s Patient-Centered Initiatives (PCI) Committee is centered on engaging patients. Bringing a patient fulfills this critical foundation priority.
Can’t Attend? Support your friends, fellow members, a city or event by donating to their site to acknowledge their time and effort put into organizing their events!

The Call for Abstracts is now live on the ASES website for the 2024 Annual Meeting, taking place October 16-19, 2024, at the Marriott Rivercenter in San Antonio, Texas, and the 2025 ASES/AANA Joint Specialty Day taking place March 14th, 2025 in San Diego, California.
You may use the following link for abstract submissions: Call for Abstracts. You must login to your ASES member account to submit an abstract.
Before submitting your abstract, please review the Abstract Guidelines.
The deadline date for all submissions is Wednesday, May 1st 2024 11:59pm CST
Spotlight on San Antonio
Mark your Calendars for the 2024 ASES Annual Meeting taking place October 16-19 in San Antonio, Texas!

Deep in the heart of Texas, San Antonio’s bold spirit and historic legacies make it an ideal gateway to the region’s culture, scenic beauty, and restful retreats.
In the heart of the city, varied cuisines, including the famed Tex-Mex, fill the air with aromas of spices and fresh cilantro. Music flourishes: country-western bands, mariachis, folk singers—all singing the song of the city. Art comes alive with outdoor murals, gardens, architecture and museums including a distinguished and recently renovated Smithsonian affiliate.
But nothing is as grand or as deep as the people of San Antonio. Influenced by the cultures of Spain, Germany and Mexico; among others, San Antonio is home to a welcoming people—the most artful product of this culture.
One distinct locale that houses many of San Antonio’s unique offerings is the River Walk. Here you will find miles of meandering paths along the banks of the San Antonio River connecting a Texas-sized sampling of hotels, restaurants, shops, historic landmarks, museums and more. Visitors and locals dine aboard river cruisers and the sounds of mariachis echo from the stone bridges above. This is the river that originally inspired the settlement of San Antonio, and it still flourishes today as the city’s center.
San Antonio is rooted in its past but forever mindful of its future. Through preserving its history and persevering as one of the nation’s largest cities, San Antonio has become one of America’s most authentic destinations. It is a city alive: a city of poets and lyricists, painters and sculptors, a city rich and humble. Become a part of the living mural—and let San Antonio become a part of you.
Congratulations to MOON Shoulder Group!

Congratulations to the MOON Shoulder Group on being awarded the Kappa Delta Ann Doner Vaughn Award Presented for Determining Effectiveness of Physical Therapy for Patients With Atraumatic, Symptomatic Rotator Cuff Tears!
“When I finished my training in 1994, we were taught that surgery was the preferred way to treat a rotator cuff tear,” said John E. Kuhn, MD, MS, FAAOS, Chief of Shoulder Surgery and Director of Vanderbilt Sports Medicine and Director of the MOON Shoulder Group.
“Our team was shocked when so many patients in the cohort improved with physical therapy, because it’s not at all what we expected,” said Kuhn. “We’re also optimistic about the finding that low expectations for therapy drives patients to having surgery because we can modify this variable by educating patients that physical therapy can work.”
Read the full article here.
Advocacy Spotlight
We are soliciting original research and opinion papers on topics related to advocacy, health policy, health economics, and other relevant areas. For example, our Committee Members are already working with colleagues in Japan to bring us the story of the RTSA’s journey through governmental approval – and how that policy decision impacted both research and clinical care for many years.
In addition to international perspectives on advocacy and health policy, the issue will feature original research on advocacy and health policy issues. For example – the Advocacy Committee recently published a multi-center study about prior authorization review (Jarrett, JSES, November 2023 e-pub).
If you or your institution has any completed or ongoing research you think might be thematically appropriate, please use this link to submit your paper!
We hope to have the issue completed by the end of the year – and we will keep you posted on its progress! If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to Dr. Bushnell directly at

On-Demand Education Available to Members on the ShED (Shoulder and Elbow Database)

Did you know that as an ASES member you have access to over 100 hours of online education through The SHED: The SHoulder and Elbow Database?
Well, you do! We are excited to provide Education On-Demand to our members through our Learning Management System (LMS). Here you will find an extensive library of content including ASES Course recordings, member submitted original content, Core Curriculum sessions and more! PLUS, with plans to enhance and expand the ShED in 2024, much more quality learning experiences are on the horizon!
Access to The SHED is available on the ASES Members Home page, please login using your ASES Credentials. You can also CLICK HERE to go directly to the site.
If you have any questions, please reach out to us at

ASES Podcast - New Episodes
In this episode, hosts Dr. Rachel Frank and Peter Chalmers interview Dr. Jeffrey Dugas on how to manage a practice efficiently.
In this episode, host Dr. Peter Chalmers interviews Drs. JT Tokish and Gus Mazzocca about the evaluation and treatment of acromioclavicular separations.

Thank you to everyone who joined us for ASES/AOSSM Joint Specialty Day on February 16th! Over 600 people joined us in San Francisco and from the initial feedback we have received we are confident that the program was a great success!
A special thank you goes out to our 2024 Specialty Day Co-Chairs: Drs. Christopher Klifto, Eric Wagner, and Jarret Woodmass for developing this great program, as well as all of our participating faculty!
If you attended and have not done so yet, we would greatly appreciate you completing the 2024 ASES Specialty Day evaluations. This helps us improve the Specialty Day experience and allows us to ensure that our educational programs continue to meet your needs.
ASES Specialty Day Program Evaluations
Your CME Certificate will be available through your AAOS Account within the next few weeks. If you have additional questions, please contact AAOS Member Services at
Thank you again for a terrific Specialty Day! We look forward to seeing everyone at Specialty Day 2025 in San Diego.
Mark Your Calendars
We are pleased to announce our upcoming ASES educational offerings! Complete details will follow in the new year, but in the interim, please add these important dates to your calendar:
ASES Fellows’ Day at SDSI
June 14, 2024
Hilton San Diego, San Diego, CA
- Abstract Submission Portal is now open! Closes on March 22, 2024
ASES 2024 Annual Meeting
October 17-19, 2024
San Antonio Marriott Rivercenter, San Antonio, TX
- ICL Submission Portal is open through March 5, 2024
ASES 2025 Annual Meeting
October 16-18, 2025
Gaylord Pacific Resort, San Diego, CA
ICSES 2026: Vancouver
September 22-25, 2026
Vancouver, BC
ASES 2027 Annual Meeting
October 13-16, 2027
Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center, National Harbor, MD (DC Metro)
Shoulder and Elbow Career Opportunities
Advertise on the ASES Website
Space is available on the ASES Career Opportunities pages to advertise open Shoulder and Elbow positions. If you are interested you can download an application on our website.